throw a fit

美 [θroʊ ə fɪt]英 [θrəʊ ə fɪt]
  • 网络大发雷霆;大发脾气
throw a fitthrow a fit


get very angry and fly into a rage
The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question
Spam makes me go ballistic
Synonym: flip one's lid blow up hit the roof hit the ceiling have kittens have a fit combust blow one's stack fly off the handle flip one's wig lose one's temper blow a fuse go ballistic


  1. Father will throw a fit when he hears that the house has been burgled .


  2. Keep the language about PG-13 . Nobody 's going to throw a fit with some occasional language , but there 's no need to type like a sailor .


  3. She 'll throw a fit if she finds out .


  4. Don 't throw a fit every time I have to go .


  5. If the teacher says ," No ", throw a fit .


  6. I can throw a fit , I 'm a master at it .


  7. Mom : ( gives a large sigh ) My husband is going to throw a fit when he sees this .


  8. So when he starts to whine or throw a fit about doing something , I turn that activity into a game .


  9. Bring only the people who are ready to jump into the thick of things with you or who won 't throw a fit when you leave them behind at the dock .


  10. I remind myself that I have two options - I can be like the young monk and throw a fit and be in a bad mood and let it annoy me for hours , or I can be like the older monk and take care of the problem myself and immediately let go of the frustration .


  11. I off one fat angeleno , and you throw a hissy fit .
